Learning Resources

Welcome to Project Procurement eLearning​

Project Procurement plays a key role in the planning and implementation of Bank financed projects. Proper understanding of the procurement guidelines, bidding documents and templates is vital for all internal and external stakeholders involved in project delivery.  

Consequently, the Learning Resources available here have been developed with the objective to equip the Bank’s staff as well as staff of the Beneficiaries with the necessary knowledge and skills.  These resources have been made available in the public domain for the greater benefit of the staff of Executing Agencies, Project Management Units, and other stakeholders in the Member Countries.  

The Project Procurement Learning Resources cover introduction of the New Procurement Framework, Development of Procurement Strategy and Plan, and key aspects of the Project Procurement Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and Consultancy Services as well as Contracts Management. 

The Learning Resources form a part of the capacity building mandate of the Project Procurement Division of IsDB and aim to:  

  • Train and familiarize Beneficiaries and other concerned stakeholders, on the project procurement policies and procedures for projects financed by the Bank. 

  • Disseminate procurement best practices, including lessons learned from real life Case Studies. 

  • Explain the tools and guidance notes needed to support project teams in project procurement-related activities during the project cycle. 

Accessing the eLearning Courses​

Perform the following steps to access the eLearning courses: ​​

  1. Click the link for a specific eLearning course.
  2. Enter your user credentials and login.
  3. If not already registered, click Register.
  4. Enter the required details and register for accessing the courses.
  5. Verify your email ID and continue accessing the courses. 


Browse eLearning Courses

IsDB New Project Procurement Framework (Intermediate)

IsDB New Project Procurement Framework (Intermediate)

Course Introduction

This course introduces the new IsDB Procurement Guidelines that came into effect from 1st April 2019, as well as the associated documents, such as the Standard Procurement Documents and Guidance Notes. 

Module 1 - Overview and Key Changes

This module provides an overview of the New Procurement Framework (NPF), and details some of the key changes in the procurement guidelines related to hiring consultants and procuring goods and works. 

Module 2 - Procurement Strategy & Procurement Plan

This module provides high-level insight into the relevance of the Procurement Strategy and Procurement Plan in the overall procurement approach and process. 

Module 3 - Selection Procedures

This module provides high-level insight into the procedures and best practices for the selection of consultants, contractors, and suppliers of goods. 

Module 4 - New Procurement Reference Documents

This module explores the different types and key features of the new Standard Procurement Documents and the set of Guidance Notes. 

Module 5 - Procurement Guidelines Updates 2023

This Module explores the updates made to the IsDB New Procurement Guidelines in 2023. The updates primarily include some changes to the existing provisions and the addition of new provisions.


Final Assessments - You must score 70% to pass the same. 

Procurement Strategy & Procurement Plan (Advanced)

Procurement Strategy & Procurement Plan (Advanced)

Course Introduction

Explore the primary details about the Procurement Strategy and Procurement Plan course.

Module 1 - Introduction

This Module provides an overview of the Procurement Strategy Development process and the guidelines to prepare the Procurement Strategy for projects financed by IsDB.

Module 2 - Project Overview & Beneficiary and Stakeholder Analysis

This Module explains the various components of the Project Overview section of the Procurement Strategy Document and describes the various issues which stakeholders face; and the analysis, management, and reporting of those issues.

Module 3 - Procurement Risk and Objectives

This Module explores risk analysis and management and the importance of defining Procurement Objectives in procurement.

Module 4 - Market Research

This module describes the objective and importance of market research and analysis, details some market analysis tools, and explores supply chain strategies and supplier analysis.

Module 5 - Procurement Options and Recommendations

This Module describes the steps involved in generating, analyzing, and designing procurement options; and determining and selecting the preferred procurement strategy.

Module 6 - Case Studies

This Module explores four different real-world case studies from four different sectors: rural development sector, energy sector, health sector, and water supply and sanitation sector. Each case study includes multiple scenarios highlighting the application of different concepts...


Final Assessments - You must score 70% to pass the same.

Introduction to Contracts Management (Intermediate)

Introduction to Contracts Management (Intermediate)

Course Introduction

Explore the processes, guidelines, and best practices related to contracts management.

Lesson 1 – Introducing Contracts Management

This introductory lesson describes some basic essential concepts related to contracts management. 

Lesson 2 – Understanding Contract Interpretations

This lesson discusses the various components of a contract and how to appropriately use them to interpret the clauses of a contract.

Lesson 3 – Exploring Key Provisions of a Contract

This lesson explores the formulation of contract provisions to protect the interests of parties.

Lesson 4 – Making Payments and Price Adjustments

This lesson discusses the different payment provisions in a contract, the need for price adjustments, and ways to calculate the acceptable value of goods or services

Lesson 5 - Managing Variations in a Contract

This lesson discusses the impact of changes in a contract and the guidelines to help manage those variations.

Lesson 6 - Managing Breach and Disputes

This lesson discusses breaches in a contract, why they happen, and how to mitigate breach and breach-related disputes.


Final Assessments – You must score 70% to pass the same.

Introduction to Procurement Management (Intermediate)

Introduction to Procurement Management (Intermediate)

Course Introduction

This highly engaging and interactive course discusses the principles of public procurement, procurement phases and processes, and the procedures for procuring Goods, Works, and Consulting Services.

Module 1 - Introducing Procurement Processes

This module details some basic principles of public procurement, procurement phases, methods, and contracting and planning.

Module 2 - Procuring Goods

This module describes the requirements for procuring goods, bidding and awarding goods, and implementation of goods procurement. 

Module 3 - Procuring Works

This Module explores the details of bidding, award, and execution of Works in a project. 

Module 4 - Procuring Consultancy Services

This module describes the details of the terms of reference, bidding and award, and monitoring for the procurement of consulting services. 

Module 5 - Procurement Management Capstone Project

This project presents a case study, and encourages the learners to apply their knowledge to answer the questions that follow. 


Final Assessment! The assessment questions are scored; you must score 70% or higher to pass the Assessment. 

Introduction to Complaints Management (Intermediate)

Introduction to Complaints Management (Intermediate)

Course Introduction

In this course, you will learn how the Beneficiary handles complaints, the role of IsDB in complaints management, and the guidelines a complainant should know before filing a complaint.

Lesson 1 – Introduction & Background

In this course, you will learn how the Beneficiary handles complaints, the role of IsDB in complaints management, and the guidelines a complainant should know before filing a complaint.

Lesson 2 – Roles and Responsibilities

This lesson outlines the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the complaints process.

Lesson 3 – Overview of the Complaints Process

This lesson examines the procurement complaints procedures in projects funded by the Islamic Development Bank.

Lesson 4 – Complaints Scenarios and Timelines

This lesson explores the different complaints scenarios and the effective workflow for ways of handling them within the established timelines.

Lesson 5 – Managing the Standstill Period

This lesson covers the Standstill Period, its timeline, the debriefing process within the Standstill Period, and how the Standstill Period concludes.

Lesson 6 - Complaint Management Templates

This lesson describes the complaint management templates and contract-related complaints.


Final Assessment! The assessment questions are scored; you must score 70% or higher to pass the Assessment.