Request for Proposal for Communications development consultants to the Lives and Livelihoods Fund for the Islamic Development Bank
Note: Advertisement deadline has been extended till 13th of April 2024
Letter of Invitation
6 March, 2024
The Lives and Livelihoods Fund (Lives and Livelihoods Fund) is a trust fund within the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) that provides concessional financing to eligible member countries to support vulnerable populations through Health, Social Infrastructure, and Agriculture projects.
The IsDB, on behalf of the Lives and Livelihoods Fund, seeks to establish framework agreements with firms with expertise in the Communications sector across the fund’s key geographies and languages of focus. These consultants will be preferred partners who will be called upon to support project design and implementation as needed.
The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Services is detailed in Section 7. IsDB will select and engage firms in accordance with the IsDB Corporate Procurement Policy.
Applicants must be registered in the IsDB’s Consultant Portal in order to be considered. The link to the portal is available here: Please note that only the initial registration form is required at this submission stage.
We strongly encourage eligible consulting firms to explore and consider the possibility of forming consortiums or partnerships with other qualified firms to jointly submit proposals. Consortium arrangements can enhance the breadth of expertise and resources available for the successful execution of projects across various sectors.
Applicants wishing to submit a proposal are required to complete the RFP and standard forms for proposal submission (Section 6), include their portfolio, and submit them via email no later than Sunday, March 31 at 21:00 (Arabian Standard Time). Please note that no submissions will be accepted after this time. It is strongly recommended to take appropriate measures for submitting proposals well in advance of the submission deadline in case technical issues arise for which there may not be sufficient time to resolve. The email address for submission is noted below. All materials should be sent to the authorized representative of the IsDB:
Tarek Wassal
Manager, Corporate Procurement Division
Letter of Invitation is also available in Russian and French Language, Please see the attachments
La lettre d'invitation est disponible en français. Veuillez consulter les pièces jointes