Linking ambitious renewable energy development and efficient sector coupling in the MENA region
Time & Date of Event
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM on Tuesday, 15th of November 2022
Event Overview
Hydrogen may play an important role in the energy transition in MENA region as well as in diversifying its economies. The session presents hydrogen deployment potential in the region and cooperation potential with Europe. It sheds light on the future hydrogen demand in both regions and the evolving policy and regulatory framework for upscaling green hydrogen. It also identifies necessary improvements in framework conditions, such as policy and regulation, technology, know-how and innovation.
The session will present concepts of sector coupling and its importance for upscaling renewables. Best practices and examples of sector coupling will be discussed. Egypt will be presented a country example. We will introduce MENALINKS and its goals towards Egypt’s vision of an energy hub – not only for electricity but also renewable hydrogen or ammonia. As COP27 will take place in Egypt, MENALINKS will especially support increased ambition efforts of the country.
MENALINKS project focuses on unlocking renewable energy potential in MENA counties and achieve their climate targets, improvements of grid integration, operation, and system flexibility. Sector coupling options (e.g., EV integration, hydrogen, storage) are strategic solutions but lack viable business models and face regulatory, technical, and financial barriers. To transform to low-carbon economies, countries need support on different levels: technical, political, financial and capacities.
The objective of the project is to improve framework conditions in the energy sector for accelerated RES uptake and integration through sector coupling. MENALINKS will address sector coupling challenges from various angles: policy & regulation, technology & innovation, finance, and know-how. Target groups are policymakers, regulators, grid operators, technology providers, financial institutions, and education institutions.
Event Outcomes
The session aims at explaining necessary framework conditions in the energy sector for accelerated RES uptake and integration through sector coupling. It will address sector coupling challenges from various angles: policy & regulation, technology & innovation, finance, and know-how. Target groups are policymakers, regulators, grid operators, technology providers, financial institutions, and education institutions.