Committed to Transparency

The IsDB is committed to transparency. This commitment is evident from the first IsDB Group Public Information Disclosure Policy (the "Policy") adopted in 2004. At that time, the Policy was one of the first disclosure policies among multilateral development banks (MDBs).

The Principles of Corporate Governance, as set out in the Policy, require the IsDB to give due consideration to, among others, Voice, Participation, and Transparency. In particular, Principle 6.1 emphasizes the need for:

(i) Regular and timely disclosure of accurate and relevant information to stakeholders concerned as a basis for sound decision-making, monitoring, and assessment.

(ii) Sharing of information and experiences pertinent to the IsDB Group's Mission in order to promote learning, knowledge dissemination, and a culture of transparency and common understanding.

(iii) Accessibility to stakeholders of findings of any assessment or evaluation of the activities, subject to confidentiality requirements in specific circumstances.

(iv) Transparency in and documentation of the decision-making process.

(v) Responding to requests for information in accordance with the Information Disclosure Policy.

Currently, the IsDB shares its operational data with partners, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Bank, Arab Coordination Group, and Paris21. As part of its quest to increase transparency and access to timely data, the IsDB will publish its first set of operational data on the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Platform.

The published data covers 2015 to 2022 and is limited to projects financed from its Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR). Over time, all OCR operations will be posted on the IATI Platform, and data will be updated quarterly.


About IATI

The IATI is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative comprised of donors, partner countries, and CSOs. IATI aims to enhance accessibility, usability, and comprehension of aid spending information. Its mission is to support the consistent and coherent implementation of transparency commitments outlined in the Accra Agenda for Action.
