IsDB-Funded TVET Project Empowers Surinamese Youth with Skills, Education, and Employability

Paramaribo, Suriname, 28 September 2023 – The Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Project in Suriname, financed by Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) has drawn support and recognition from the country’s President, H.E. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, who stated that the TVET Project which has established educational training facilities in six districts, is ensuring maximum outreach to cluster schools across the country.

The TVET project, is an outstanding example of successful development co-financing between the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Government of Suriname. The Bank has financed US$ 15.7 million of the US$ 18 million project.

The project, further saw establishing of the Suriname National Training Authority (SNTA), training of a relevant management team, and furnishing the SNTA headquarters with state-of-the-art IT equipment and other facilities.

Suriname’s Minister of Education, H.E. Prof. Henry Ori and the visiting IsDB President, H.E. Dr. Muhammad Al Jasser, who was on a historic official visit to Suriname, toured the TVET project facility on Thursday 28 September 2023 to get a first-hand account of the progress achieved. 

The project was successfully completed in December 2022, in close collaboration with the Government of Suriname. It has well-equipped training hubs that are practically strengthening capacity for TVET institutions in the country.

Decentralization and enhancement of educational and vocational capacity are at the forefront of the TVET project activities while the overall goal is to substantially contribute towards the development of skilled and competitive workforce for Suriname.

One of the major achievements of the TVET project is the great difference it has made in the field of improving air traffic safety by training air traffic controllers. In addition to several other modules, the project also focused on Radar training, Area & Approach Surveillance training and Train the Trainers. Thanks to TVET, Suriname now has the availability of internationally certified air traffic controllers as all air traffic control trainees have successfully concluded the program.

The Islamic Development Bank, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Suriname, has provided specialized staff in support for project design, drawing from its international experience in other member countries.

The specific objective of the TVET Project, jointly financed by the Islamic Development Bank and the Government of Suriname, is to create an enabling environment to enhance acquisition of skills and employability of graduates.

Another important achievement under this project is the setup of 39 practical workshops at 12 schools throughout 6 districts. The workshops are fully equipped with modern machines and tools for technical study courses such as engineering, car assembly, welding, bench working, carpentry, electric assembly, and electro measurement.

In recent years the importance of distance education has significantly increased worldwide. With the help of this project a Distance Education Hub was realized at the Poly Technic College (PTC). Furthermore, a distance education system was set up, as well as an e-library system and Distance Education materials were developed for PTC.  

New textbooks have also been developed for the lower vocational education schools, on several subjects including English, Dutch, Mathematic and Arithmetic.
