IsDB Group and The Republic of Gabon Look Forward to Strengthening Cooperation

The meeting focused on discussing the cooperation between the IsDB Group and the Republic of Gabon, where the overall IsDB Group approvals in different sectors have exceeded US$ 508.5 million, comprising US$ 483.3 million by IsDB and US$ 25.2 million of Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) financing.

Noting the growing and satisfactory cooperation with the Republic of Gabon, IsDB President, Dr. Al Jasser stressed IsDB Group's active portfolio in the country and reiterated the Bank’s readiness to strengthen cooperation on bilateral and regional initiatives. “We are keen to continue engaging with Gabon in strategic priority areas, such as economic and social infrastructure,” he asserted.

Ambassador MEMBOUROU, for his part, reiterated his satisfaction over the cooperation between IsDB Group and his country and that Gabon will do all efforts to boost its cooperation with the Bank. He also expressed hope to see Gabon benefiting from the IsDB scholarships program as part of Human Capital Development efforts.

He highlighted that various economic reforms are being implemented in Gabon, such as the creation of new special economic areas to attract Foreign Direct Investments and the establishment of the National Agency for the Promotion of Investment (ANPI).
