Islamic Development Bank and Global Partners Co-organize MENA CLIMATE WEEK 2022 in Dubai

Jeddah/Dubai, 25 March 2022 – The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is one of the regions which water scarcity and climate change have made it prone to certain challenges. However, the region is ripe with opportunities that can advance national and regional climate action while spearheading sustainable development goals.    

To facilitate dialogue and engagement with regional stakeholders, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) has joined hands with regional and global partners in co-organizing the MENA Climate Week 2022 in Dubai, UAE, 28 – 31 March, to focus on comprehensive solutions that help achieve national and regional climate ambitions.

The cumulative effort by IsDB’s Global Practice & Partnership Directorate’s Resilience and Social Development Department (RSD), Regional Cooperation and Integration Department (RCI), and Economic and Social Infrastructure Department (ESID), as well as the Treasury Complex, will see next week, the holding of several major affiliated and side events - in collaboration with the Bank’s global and regional development partners - on several themes including:  

  • Climate mainstreaming for a green economic recovery in the Arab Region  
  • Nature-Based Solutions and Nature-Derived Solutions for Climate Change
  • Adaptation and Mitigation in MENA 
  • Promoting South-South Cooperation in Climate Action 
  • Role of Sustainable Finance in Transition to a Green Resilient Future 
  • The Green Finance Facilities Ecosystem: a US$ 3 Trillion Opportunity for Africa  
  • Sustainable Transport Supporting COVID-19 Recovery Strategies in MENA 
  • Integrated Water-Security in MENA: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Planning and Implementing Long Term Strategies for Sustainable and Inclusive Development
  • Building the Future of Mobility, the shift to sustainable, low and zero emissions transport
  • Scaling up climate risk management and innovative financing for locally-led adaptation
  • Innovations and role of enterprises in the transition of the energy sector in the MENA region
  • Transformative Climate Action through Digitalization
  • The role of Sustainable Finance Market in Transition to a Green, Robust and Resilient Post-COVID Future
  • The MENA Climate Week 2022 is the first of its kind in the region and will help build momentum on climate action in the region following the adoption of the COP26 Glasgow Climate Pact and ahead of COP27 scheduled to be held in the Arab Republic of Egypt, later in 2022. 

The week-long event also provides an avenue to engage regional stakeholders on efforts taken to integrate climate action into economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Preparations have been made for the online connection to all IsDB affiliated and side events.

The event is hosted by UAE’s Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, and World Green Economy Organization (WGEO), in collaboration with UN Climate Change, UNDP, UN Environment Programme, and World Bank Group. Its regional partners are The Arab League, The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA).

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M.A. DinMohammadi

IsDB Communications Officer
